
How Data Center Companies Could Navigate the AI Boom

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the future, and is causing a boom in the data center industry. In this article, I explore how data center providers might monetize this trend. The vision of Artificial Intelligence is to provide a human-like interface to traditional applications. Traditional applications have well-defined set of parameters in the form of algorithms which are used to produce results. For example, uses fixed algorithms to search and checkout products. The challenge with such applications is that they overwhelm users...

Can the Washington Nationals Win the World Series?

I moved to Washington D.C area in December, 2023. This means I must now be loyal to a new sports team. The Commanders and Wizards sound terrible. One is a misogynistic racist, and the other a loser. Good thing with at least the Commanders is that as I came, Dan Snyder left, but that is another story. The focus for now is – can the Nationals win the World Series?

My Method for Identifying Market Trends

One of the requirements of a good business is its ability to solve big problems. For example, Vanderbilt’s railroads solved the problem of fast movement of goods from point A to B, one of the biggest challenges in post-civil war industrial age. In this article, I present my steps of identifying big problems (or market trends) which include a/ capturing raw idea; b/ visualizing the idea; c/ brainstorming implications; d/ clarifying trends; and e/ testing the trends.

My Argument in Favor of Dole's Stock.

U.S government is cracking down on ultra-processed food. Incentives are being set to eat healthier. This may lead to increased demand for fresh produce from companies like DOLE PLC. In this article, I present three arguments in-favor of DOLE's stock...


Recently, as I scrolled through LinkedIn, I saw a post by Prof. Victor M Zavala from the University of Wisconsin. He advised young researchers to focus on fundamentals instead of a single research application. This post made me realize an import factor that I missed in my methods of research and problem solving...

The Invisble Privileges of Wall Street

Wall Street plays an important role in American capitalism. However, since the deregulation era of the 1980s, it has widened the wealth and income gap. Behaviors of Wall Street have led to actions that negatively impact 99% of the American population...

Mom, Dad, and Vaanya.

It is a cloudy day. The kind where jackets cook you up but not having one gives you chills. I am sitting in the baggage claim of Minneapolis airport waiting for mom, dad, and Vaanya (my liddle sister). Airports have a vibe to them. They make you happy yet depressed at the same time. Maybe because of the bittersweetness in the air...

Good to Great by Jim Collins

Jim Collins is one of the authors I will think twice before disagreeing with. He wrote the book Built to Last, which I haven’t read but have heard about its success. However, the problem with ‘Built to Last’ was that it didn’t give actionable steps on how to be great ...

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Mantainence

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance is a fictional autobiography of Robert Pirsig. But I didn’t pick up the book to learn about Mr. Pirsig, and most probably, he didn’t intend to tell people about himself. Rather, Mr. Pirsig uses this book to introduce a philosophical idea and...

The Complexity of Sanctions Against Russia

Ever since the beginning of Russia’s war on Ukraine, western nations have imposed extreme sanctions towards the country. Though the sanctions are meant to pressure Russia to stop this inhumane war, the complexity of sanctions makes it hard to deliver results in the long run...

My Personal Flywheel

There is a book - ‘Good to Great’ by Jim Collins which introduces a concept called ‘Flywheel’. I will be (or have written depending on when you read this) a review on the book. But for now, let me describe what a flywheel is, and then share my personal flywheel...